Monday, December 19, 2011


Far Left Traitor Barkat proposes dividing Jerusalem

Israel TV : We don’t divide Jerusalem ! Jerusalem belongs only to G-D!


By MELANIE LIDMAN The Jerusalem Post 12/17/2011 20:05

Maybe you remember the traitor Mayor of Jerusalem saying he is no member of KADIMA and will never divide Jerusalem?


In speech at National Defense College last week, mayor Barkat suggested a 'land
swap' between Jerusalem land outside of the security barrier.

For the first time since he took office in November 2008, Jerusalem Mayor
Nir Barkat suggested a plan to divide parts of Jerusalem and give them to
the Palestinian Authority in a speech last week.

The comments were made during a speech at a National Defense College alumni
event on Tuesday. It was the first time that Barkat has publicly proposed
any kind of division of the city.

The idea is to annex the Area B parts, and give up the parts of Jerusalem
outside the barrier..

However, it is the first time the mayor, who has frequently vowed that
Jerusalem will never be divided, has modified that position

But the mayorís vision doesnít take into account the wishes of the
residents. The majority of Jerusalem Arabs on the outside want to stay part
of Jerusalem, and most Palestinians on the inside of the fence want to stay
part of the PA.

City Councilor Meir Margalit (Meretz), ANOTHER FAR LEFT TRAITOR who now holds the east Jerusalem
portfolio, welcomed the mayor taking a public stance toward changing the
border as a significant ideological step.


Israel TV : We don’t divide Jerusalem ! Jerusalem belongs only to G-D!



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