Tuesday, July 3, 2012


The Muslim brotherhood has won the right to rule. Now it must find a way to coexist with the Supreme Council of the Armed Forced ( SCAF ). The 29 generals of the SCAF don't like to be called a military junta. They called themselves the saviors of Egypt " We have done the best we can for our country. We saved the revolution of 2011" . In fact after more than 200 civilians were killed because of the orders of Mubarak, the generals gave the orders not to shoot at the civilians. The 29 generals think they have the right to rule Egypt. The President of the military junta, Marshall Tantawi met already with American officials and with the Israeli defense minister Ehud Barak. He met already gen. Ariel Sharon and col. Barak in the Yom Kippur war in 1973. He had a whole division of tanks destroyed while the Israeli army succeeded to cross the Suez canal and win the war. More tanks were destroyed in 1973 on the Golan and the Sinai than during the battle of Stalingrad. Most important, Marshall Tantawi, the head of the Armed Forces wants to continue to receive $ 1. 3 billions of American aid and weapons. 
My personal opinion, because of the neighborliness of my country, Israel, with Egypt is that it is better to have generals who rule Egypt, because they saw the horrors of the battlefield in 1948, 1956,1967, 1973, they don't want to attack Israel, lose American aid and have the Suez canal blocked. The head of the Islamists, the Imam of Egypt is much worse. He said Egypt must " kill all the Jews and all the homosexuals, conquer Rome and Jerusalem" This is the same program than Adolf Hitler, may God erase the evil in the world, except that he wanted to exterminate also the Gypsies and the Russians and conquer the whole world. According to Constitutional law, there is no democracy in Egypt, no separation between the Religion and State, when Imams give orders to the politicians. What do you think is better, Imams or generals?









Adieu la France Adieu l'Algerie



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