Thursday, June 12, 2014


1. Hamodiah

Rav David Auerbach, you are a poet, musician, composer and journalist, Head Nurse for Jerusalem, Judea Samaria. Why this Festival of Jazz and Blues ?


David : Blues music found his roots in Gospel, the holy music of the Blacks in the USA who were singins “ When we were slaves in Egypt, let my people go “

             Of course the black slaves in the USA are not from Egypt, but the energy of the black slaves in the USA  found his source from in the Liberation, the Geulah of the Hebrew slaves in Egypt, from slavery to the service of Hashem. This song “ When we were slaves in Egypt, let my people go.” Proves the universality of Jewish Wisdom, and the Hebrew Messianism.


2.G : In your musical poem called “ to serve G.od” you said “ We are the people of Israel we just live to survive. Our enemies say we are on their land. But all the Empires who wanted to exterminate us are gone , Egypt and Rome even the grat Babylon. But you are going to serve the G.od of Jerusalem , Hussein Obama and not the Satan from Teheran.”


How did you find the way between Music, Muzika DEkudsha baroukh hou, to the world of Torah, and in this case the famous prophecy of the prophet Daniel about the falling down of the Empires. ?


David The most important is that the connection to G.od must be made through the Holy Melody, like it is written in the Likutei Moharan. In Jewish wisdom you have also to sanctify the profane.

For example the song “ The sound of silence “ written by Paul Simon became “ The delices of Shabbat” In 1950 the Amor of Chabad took the Maeseiillaise and put on it words of the King David. This is also to sancify the profane.


We will sing also at the Machon Meir with Aaron Razel who I know since the Academy of Music. We will sing also the most beautiful Psalms of King David called the Tikun Haclali.

There will be also a tribute to Georges Moustaki who passed away this year in 5774.


3.G There will be also in the program Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach Z”L and Leonard Cohen. How do you put them together ?


David I played with Rabbi Shlomo from 1991 till 1994 and it is a great Music Therapy to sing his Psalms all together. Halleluyah, written by the novelist poet and musician Leonard Cohen is also great to sing together, and we will sing it in French since Leonard Cohen is Canadian !  To sing Halleluyah is to identify with the sufferings and the Messianic Joy of King David.

The Hebrew Messianic begins with Music and Music Therapy when David Plays for Shaul.

But the two Imperialistic religions, begin with the conquest of North Africa, Spain and Southern France the first Djihad . After a war of 780 years between The Muslims and the Catholics called “ Reconquista” the catholics discovered Central and South America and commited a real genocide against the Indians, like the Protestants did against the Indians in North America.


4. What helped you to succeed in Jewish Music ?

I played as a child the classical piano with my grand mother born in Shanghai, Bach Beethoven, Chopin. When I was Bar Mitsva I got a classical guitar and I slept with her because it was my best girl friend

I won a national contest of Classical guitar in 1990 . I met Jacques Brel in 1977 when I was 16, in 1977. My mother was a social worker and had a girl friend who was a nurse in Edith Cavel , the clinic named by the nurse Edith Cavel who was killed by the

Germans for spying . Jacques Brel had a chemotherapy for cancer. He passed away the next year in 1978 because of lung cancer.

Jaques Brel knew how to seduce the women, even the Nurses. I brought him some texts in French. He asked me  what is the difference between the smile of a girl and the smile of a women ?

It is the same, it is to get something. Love.


What can you say to the Jews who don’t want to live in Israel ? According to the Guemara, Ketubot page 111, a Jew who doesn’t live in Israel is without God  and assimilation is a big problem in Europa and America, it is called Spiritual Holocaust.

Anti-semtism. Is anti-messianism and anti- prophetism. We have to teach the Nations about the Ideal of the prophets and about real messianism, like I do in my books and my songs.

Thank you very much.






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