Saturday, June 7, 2014


According to the flyer underneath, the Municipality of Jerusalem INVITES YOU TO A  FESTIVAL OF MUSIC.


In Mercaz Hatarbut, HILLEL STREET 27, 8 PM.


Festival of Jazz, Blues, Folk -Rock and Classical music.


The most beautiful Psalms of King David, Tikun clali.


Tribute to Georges Moustaki Z"L and Marcel Dadi Z"L

The beautiful songs of Leonard Cohen, Bob Dylan and Stairway to Heaven.


The other parts will include Bossa Nova, and Jazz. JAZZ SESSION


Classical tribute to Bach, Beethoven, Chopin and Rachmaninoff.


Presentation of the artists

Professor Levy, teaches at the Academy of Music in Jerusalem. Taught Aaron Razel and also Yonatan Razel.


Avraham Lumbroso, Diploma from the Rimon Jazz school, and from the Jerusalem's Academy of Music. BA and MA.Teaches at the Music school in Bakaa and Pisgat Zeev. Produced 5 CD's .


Solange Karsenty, she plays bass, drums, and teaches Computer Sciences.


David Orbach, Royal Academy of Music from Brussels, won a national contest of classical guitar in Belgium. Diploma of Music Therapist from Dalcroze. Produced CD's of classical guitar, jazz guitar and his last one with Lazer Lloyd,called

'King of blues"


Chaim Touboul from the Rimon school of Jazz, Tel Aviv. The Festival's date was fixed by the Municipality in March and announced in Lag Baomer. We had to move from June 5 to June 12 because of the King of Blues Lazer Lloyd who has a concert in Jerusalem on June 5. Here is the flyer.







אולם הרמו Municipality of Jerusalem

הלל, 27

ביוני בשעה 20:00of June  12

Kings The Jazz

הופעה של חמשה מוסיקאים המובילים בארץ LOL (לאל):

 Lumbrosoלומברוזו אברהם (חליל, פסנתר ג'אז),

 Orbachאורבך דוד (גיטרות קלסית וחשמלית),

 Levyפרופ' לוי (פסנתר קלסי)

Haim Touboul and Karsenty on bass guitar, תופים).


עם תהילים אחי יפים של דוד המלך (תיקון הכללי),

ניגונים יהודים של ,Moustaki Leonard Cohen, Dylan, Dadi.

תוכנית של ג'אז ומוסיקה קלסית: Bach, Beethoven ,Chopin


 ADVANCE SELL ONLY 40 NIS and also for informations. פרטים והזמנת כרטיסים בטל.

5999228, CONTACT 054





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