Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Messiah of Jerusalem = David Orbach

The Messiah of Jerusalem = David Orbach  


The prosecutor Lebon has before him a voluminous file: more than 900 pages. He releases the strap and releases the thick cover on which it is written in large characters: YOSSEF CASE

Abou Nidal claimed responsibility for Baghdad's assassination of Professor Yossef in the parking lot of the Erasmus University Hospital in Brussels. He is the President of the Coordination Committee of Jewish Organizations in Belgium. At the time of this heinous assassination, the professor directed the Internal Medicine service on the 7th floor of the Erasmus University Hospital Center as well as an AIDS research laboratory. He was considered a specialist in the treatment of AIDS with the Institute Weizman of Rehovot, between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. He is also a member of the Auschwitz committee, following the rant of the famous philosopher André Glucksman, about the Carmelite nuns “In Auschwitz we can only put swastikas and not Catholic crosses‘

The Belgian prosecutor is now taking out the transcripts of all the computers and cell phones that the judicial police seized at the Place du Jeu de Balle in Brussels. The prosecutor Lebon hesitates. Where to start ?

To make his decision he needs music, music therapy. Indeed, the first time that the King of Jerusalem, the Messiah, the King David, appeared in the book of the Prophet Samuel, in chapter 16, it was as a musician and music therapist. When the King of Israel Shaul was depressed, David took his harp and played for the King of Israel and the depression lifted.
Prosecutor Lebon selected the quartet in C major from Wolfgang Amedeus Mozart K465. Amadeus is a Latin word which means "He who loves God".

The adagio begins with the dark pulsations of the cello which ask a question to the two violins and the viola which fly away towards a first crescendo. The viol plays a chromatic line. Almost a funeral, it involves the two violins and the cello in an imitative rest. The viola is Nathalie Lévy. The two violins are Layla Salamé and Ali Mouhammad Roger, former President of the Movement of Young Socialists at Boulevard de l'Empereur in Brussels. Finally the cello is Major Meir. 

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