Monday, March 25, 2013



La question de l’infiltration de l’armée belge par des éléments prônant un islam radical n’est pas nouvelle.

Déjà, en 2006, il avait été mis un terme la carrière militaire d’un certain Abdel Rahman Ayachi, lequel souhaitait alors intégrer une formation concernant le fonctionnement des radars utilisés par la marine.

Fils du cheikh Bassam, le fondateur du Centre islamique belge (CIB), ce dernier était pourtant connu pour ses activités dans les milieux salafistes et négationnistes bruxellois.

En juin 2012, il a finalement été condamné par la justice à 8 ans de prison pour avoir organisé des filières de recrutement pour l’Irak et en Afghanistan.

Actuellement, il ferait le coup de feu en Syrie, comme d’ailleurs 70 autres ressortissants belges.

Ce cas n’est pas isolé et certains salafistes donc ont pu échapper à la vigilance des recruteurs, lesquels ne sont pas toujours responsables de cet état de fait, dans la mesure où, dans le lot,figurent également des convertis, comme cette jeune femme contrôlée en février 2010 alors qu’elle portait le niqab.

Les policiers apprirent alors qu’elle était sous-lieutenant dans l’armée belge.

Au total, il y aurait 16 soldats adeptes des thèses salafistes dans les rangs de l’armée belge.

Le chiffre a été donné à l’occasion lors d’une audition devant commission de la Défense, tenue à huis clos le 20 mars, à la Chambre des députés.

Des militaires belges en opération de déminage dans la région du Kunduz, en Afghanistan

Ont ainsi notamment été entendus le chef de la Sûreté, Alain Winants, le directeur du service de renseignement de l’armée (SGRS), le général Eddy Testelmans et le directeur des ressources humaines de l’armée, le lieutenant général Philippe Grosdent.

Ainsi, selon La Libre Belgique, il en est ressorti que l’armée belge n’est actuellement pas en mesure d’écarter ses soldats ayant des opinions extrémistes.

“Le fait d’appartenir à un mouvement salafiste ou radical ne constitue pas en soi une infraction.

La Constitution protège la liberté d’opinion”, ont fait valoir les responsables des renseignements.

Mieux même : rien ne peut leur interdire de s’engager pour les mêmes raisons.

Depuis 2010, seulement une douzaine de salafistes ont pu en être empêchés, non en raison de leurs convictions extrémistes mais grâce à leur casier judiciaire.

Du coup, l’armée belge a recours à des expédients afin d’éviter de possibles attaques internes.

Ainsi, les soldats connus pour leurs sympathies salafistes ne peuvent pas prétendre à être envoyés en Afghanistan.

Cela a récemment été le cas pour l’un d’entre eux.

“Aujourd’hui, il n’y a aucune procédure, car il n’y a pas de base légale”, a commenté le député Georges Dallemagne, au sujet de la mise à l’écart de ces soldats aux opinions radicales.

Et ce problème ne concerne pas seulement les salafistes car il est aussi question des militaires ayant des liens avec des groupuscules d’extrême-droite.

D’après le général Testelmans, ils seraient 39 à être dans ce cas et mis sous surveillance.

Cela étant, l’armée belge a pris des mesures visant à renforcer le “screening”, c’est à dire le tri des recrues potentielles.

Mais ce n’est pas encore suffisant pour les députés belges.

“Ce screening systématique doit être inscrit dans la loi car il vaut mieux écarter dès le départ des éléments qui représentent une menace pour la Défense et la sécurité du pays”, a confié Georges Dallemagne, à la Libre Belgique.

“Ensuite, je pense qu’il faut aller plus loin et inscrire aussi dans la loi la possibilité d’écarter des militaires déjà incorporés qui appartiennent à des organisations considérées par la Sûreté de l’Etat comme dangereuses.

Il n’est pas question de garder au sein de l’armée, envoyer en mission à l’étranger et apprendre le maniement des armes à des éléments qui peuvent se révéler dangereux pour notre pays”, a-t-il expliqué.


Thursday, March 21, 2013


Berklee College of Music president Roger H. Brown will present Carole King, Willie Nelson, and Annie Lennox with honorary doctor of music degrees at Berklee's commencement ceremony, Saturday, May 11, at the 7,000-seat Agganis Arena at Boston University. Commencement speaker Annie Lennox will address more than 900 Berklee graduates, their parents, and invited guests. 

This year's honorary doctorate recipients are being recognized for their achievements and influence in music, and for their enduring contributions to American and international culture. Past recipients include Duke Ellington (the first, in 1971), Dizzy Gillespie, Smokey Robinson, Steven Tyler, Aretha Franklin, Quincy Jones, Juan Luis Guerra, Loretta Lynn, Paco de Lucía, David Bowie, the Edge, Gloria and Emilio Estefan, Chaka Khan, Bonnie Raitt, George Clinton, Alison Krauss, Kenneth Gamble, and Leon Huff. 

The concert and ceremony are not open to the public



Carole King, a Jewish member of the Songwriters Hall of Fame and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, is the most successful female songwriter in pop music history. King penned dozens of hit songs in the 1960s with then-husband Gerry Goffin, including “One Fine Day,” “The Loco-Motion,” and “(You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman.” It was 1971’s Tapestry that took her to the pinnacle. Tapestry won three key Grammy Awards—Record, Song, and Album of the Year—a first for a female artist, sold more than 25 million copies, and remained the best-selling album by a female artist for 25 years. She has amassed three additional platinum and seven gold albums. King reunited with James Taylor—who hit No. 1 with her song “You’ve Got a Friend”—forLive at the Troubadour, resulting in a 2010 world tour and documentary. More than 400 of her compositions have been recorded, by more than 1,000 artists, resulting in 100 hit singles. King is also actively involved with environmental organizations in support of forest wilderness preservation. She released her memoir, A Natural Woman, in 2012.

Annie Lennox, singer, songwriter, activist, and one of the finest musical voices of our time, is celebrated as an innovator and icon. Born in Scotland, she studied at the Royal Academy of Music in London, where she met Dave Stewart and formed Eurythmics. The duo sold more than 75 million albums, with more than 20 international hits. In 1990, Lennox’s solo debut, Diva, entered the UK charts at No. 1, selling 6 million copies worldwide. Lennox is an ambassador for UNAIDS, Oxfam, Amnesty International, and the British Red Cross. After witnessing the plight of women and children struggling with HIV in South Africa, she founded the SING campaign to help prevent the spread of the virus. Her accolades include eight BRIT Awards, 10 Grammy nominations and four Grammy Awards, a Golden Globe, an Academy Award, the American Music Awards Lifetime Achievement, Billboard's Century Award, the Nobel Peace Laureates Woman of Peace Award, and a Lifetime Achievement from the Inspiration Awards for women. In 2011 she was awarded the OBE (Officer of the Order of the British Empire) in recognition of her humanitarian work.







Making someone feel like a failure is one of the most harmful things we can do to a person. A person's self-image is the key to what they will be able to accomplish in life. If someone is not successful in their studies or in some undertaking, we must be careful not to say "you are a failure," or "you will never succeed in anything." This type of negative programming can cause much discouragement and suffering throughout one's life.  



Give people encouragement and support for the efforts they make. 


(The Power of Words by Rabbi Zelig Pliskin)


Create a meaningful day!

- Ora



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The peace process between Israel and the terrorist militias funded by the countries of those invading armies has gone on for longer than most actual wars. It has also taken more lives than most actual wars.

War has an endpoint. Peace does not. A peace in which you are constantly at war can go on forever because while the enthusiasts of war eventually exhaust their patriotism, the enthusiasts of peace never give up on their peacemaking.

Warmongers may stop after a few thousand dead, but Peacemongers will pirouette over a million corpses.

As you read this, Obama is probably stumbling through some ceremony or speech in Israel. The speeches all say the usual things, but there really is only one purpose to the visit. There really ever only is one purpose to these visits. The revisiting of the endless peace war.

Two decades after the peace process has failed in every way imaginable. Two decades after cemeteries on both sides are full of the casualties of peace. Two decades which have created two abortive Palestinian states at war with one another and with Israel.

Two decades later, it's still time for peace.

Peace time means that it’s time to ring up some more Israeli concessions in the hopes of getting the terrorists and their quarreling states back to the negotiating table for another photo op in the glorious album of peacemakers. And if the photos are properly posed, perhaps there will even be another Nobel Peace Prize in it for all the participants.

It would be nice to think that the peace disease was one of those viruses carried only in the bloodstream of liberals. But it's not.

Every so often I am asked about a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian-Arab-Muslim conflict and the interrogators are baffled when I tell them that there is no solution. "No solution at all? But there has to be a solution. What of all the moderate voices of goodwill? What of all the mothers who only want to raise their children to sing happy songs about peace? What about all the old soldiers who are tired of war? What if we get them all in a room to shake hands and pose for photos? Then won't there be peace?"

As society has become more progressive, it has become progressively more difficult to explain even even to intelligent people that the world simply does not work that way.

For two Cold War generations it was nearly impossible to communicate that there really would be no peace with the Soviet Union other than the cold kind maintained by a mutual balance of power. Their children and grand-children appear equally unequipped to understand that most serious wars end with either one side definitively losing and fundamentally changing as a result of that defeat or both sides maintaining a cold peace that will last only as long as neither side believes that it can squash the other with a surprise attack.

Israel did have peace until it began peace negotiations. It wasn't a perfect peace, but aside from the minor problems of the Intifada, a comparative pinprick set against the violence that began after that infamous Rose Garden handshake, it was a good time whose like was then not seen again until Israel stopped playing peace process with the terrorists and learned to keep them away instead.

But the relative absence of violence, according to the amateur peacemakers, isn't peace. A wartime peace isn't what they want. What they want is a peacetime war. Let there be handshakes and suicide bombings. Let there be bloody bodies scraped off the sidewalk, but let there also be children's choirs singing about peace. Let a thousand tombstones rise, so long as everyone can believe that peace is at hand.

This vulgar worship of peace as a religion, a creed that restores the faith of faithless men and women in humanity is a combination of empty sentimentality and calculated ignorance.


We must have peace in our time, the peacemakers say. And Israel must provide it. More territorial concessions must be put on the table. More goodwill must be shown. More ends must be bent over backward so that the peacemakers can stare at their televisions and sigh, their faith in the goodness of every man, woman, child and suicide bomber restored once again.

Who will Israel make peace with? President Abbas of the Palestinian Authority, who hasn't run for office since Hamas won the elections, doesn't want to negotiate. Hamas only wants to negotiate a short-term pause in its campaign to destroy Israel. When he isn't warring with Hamas, Abbas is declaring that he shares the same view on terrorism as Hamas. 

Hamas or Abbas, whichever the peacemaker chooses will surely make him an ass.

But peacemakers don't fancy details. They like the big picture. And the big picture is that there must be an answer. Tens of thousands demanded it in London before the war and Chamberlain delivered it to them. Peace arrived in our time, shortly before the Nazi bombers. Thousands more demanded it of every American president who faced a Communist thug across a negotiating table. And they got it.

There were nuclear treaties that meant nothing to the Soviets and that did not bring peace, but that made all the amateur peacemakers feel better about themselves. And then instead of peace coming across a negotiating table, the Soviet Union collapsed because a persnickety cowboy wouldn't give up a missile defense program that every Harvard graduate knew could never work. And now, as another Harvard graduate proudly tries to take credit for Israel's Iron Dome, they still know it can't work.

Reagan didn't end the Cold War with treaties; he ended it by doggedly pursuing superior firepower.  And that is why in the name of peace, the Harvard grad looking over Iron Dome on his visit to Israel, has shown Russia his peaceful flexibility by abandoning the final stage of missile defense. Every Harvard grad knows that missile defense doesn't bring peace. But what could anyone expect from Reagan? The poor dummy went to Eureka College. How could he know that defeating the USSR wouldn't work?

Obama wants the same thing from Israel that he's trying to get by selling out Poland on missile defense. Peace. While the only times Israel had any measure of peace is in the aftermath of a war, Harvard grads and the people who listen to them know that peace only comes about at the tail end of a long string of concessions and appeasement. And then when you have finally given your tormentor your house keys, your car keys and your lucky 2-dollar-bill, then having rifled through your empty pockets, he will finally nod grudgingly and agree to peace at last.
That is if he doesn't actually want to kill you.

And that is the trouble with peacemakers; they don't really take into account how to make peace with killers. Most countries lock up violent murderers when they kill a dozen people for fun. But when they kill a dozen people in order to liberate other killers or lay claim to a piece of land, then they are worth negotiating with. And the only outcome of the negotiations is establishing murder as a negotiating tactic.

Peace leads to war because peacemaking rewards the warmakers. It rewards the obstinate killers who refuse to stop killing. And the more it rewards them, the more they kill.

That is why Israel has been decades late in delivering the peace that all the amateur peacemakers want. Every time it phones Terrorism Inc. to place an order for peace with extra brotherhood on top, a suicide bomber pulls up to its front door. And so for two decades, in a pesky reality of peacemaking that none of the peacemakers care to hear about... peace has meant war.

Every time a new phase of the endless peace process is launched, more people die. More people die during the negotiations than otherwise. The peacemakers explain this by saying that the terrorists who aren't at the negotiating table are trying to sabotage the terrorists who are at the negotiating table. The dead are sacrifices for peace and if Israel fights back against either group of terrorists, then it is guilty of obstructing the peace process which was otherwise going well.

So here we are with Obama t-shirts on sale to liberal American Jewish tourists in Jerusalem kiosks, a city whose Jewishness the man on the t-shirts will not recognize because it would harm the prospects for peace. And the question on their minds is how are we finally going to make peace happen.


The rational response is that peace simply isn't going to happen. The two terrorist groups in their two states were set up for the sole purpose of destroying Israel. They are funded and supported by those countries that were attacking Israeli farmsteads with tanks around the time that Orwell was putting his final touches on "War is Peace, Slavery is Freedom and Ignorance is Strength."

They are not going to stop trying to destroy Israel because it's all they know and it's their only reason for existence. And if that weren't enough, they have spent generations teaching their children to hate and there is no sign whatsoever of them putting the brakes on the hate machine which expresses more clearly than anything else that they do not intend to stop fighting now or even twenty years from now.

Not when their educational system is busy training the suicide bomber of tomorrow.

But ignorance is a particular strength of peacemakers. They don't want reasons why it can't happen. Nor do they want to hear that the best kind of peace with people whose religion tells them that they will go to heaven if they die while cutting your throat is the heavily armed peace of cold iron and steel.

 War is their peace and ignorance is their strength.

Daniel Greenfield is a New York City based writer and blogger and a Shillman Journalism Fellow of the David Horowitz Freedom Center.


Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Happy who gives to the poor Segulah to keep your job Music and guitars by David Sounds like Al Dimeola

Psalm 41 with an amazing scene of the German colonel who gives food to the poor Jewish Poland, WW II.



La répartition des sièges ministériels s'établit comme suit : Likoud, 8 portefeuilles, Yaesh Atid, 6 portefeuilles, Israël Beitenou, 6 portefeuilles, Habayit Hayehudi, 4 portefeuilles, Hatnua, 2 portefeuilles.

Benjamin Netanyahu (Likoud) – Premier ministre
Moshe Ya'alon (Likoud) –Défense
Gideon Sa'ar (Likoud) – Intérieur 
Gilad Erdan (Likoud) – Communication et Défense passive 
Yuval Steinitz (Likoud) – Affaires stratégiques et internationales 
Silvan Shalom (Likoud) – Développement régional, eau et énergie
Danny Danon (Likoud) – Défense, vice-ministre
Zeev Elkin (Likoud) – Affaires étrangères, vice-ministre 
Limor Livnat (Likoud) – Culture et Sports

Yair Lapid (Yesh Atid) – Finances
Shay Piron (Yesh Atid) – Education 
Yael German (Yesh Atid) – Santé
Meir Cohen (Yesh Atid) – Affaires sociales
Yaakov Peri (Yesh Atid) – Sciences
Mickey Levy (Yesh Atid) – Affaires sociales, Vice ministre

Naftali Bennett (Habayit Hayehudi) – Economie et Commerce
Uri Ariel (Habayit Hayehudi) – Logement
Uri Orbach (Habayit Hayehudi) – Retraites
Eli Ben-Dahan (Habayit Hayehudi) – Affaires religieuses, vice ministre 

Yisrael Katz (Yisrael Beiteinu) – Transports
Sofa Landver (Yisrael Beiteinu) – Absorption, Immigration 
Uzi Landau (Yisrael Beiteinu) – Tourisme
Yair Shamir (Yisrael Beiteinu) – Agriculture 
Yitzhak Aharonovitch (Yisrael Beiteinu) – Sécurité intérieure
Avigdor Lieberman (Yisrael Beiteinu) – Affaires étrangères (poste en réserve) 

Tzipi Livni (Hatnua) – Justice
Amir Peretz (Hatnua) – Environnement 


Saturday, March 16, 2013















Thursday, March 14, 2013

- 14-03-2013: Rencontre - débat avec Schmuel Trigano au Matnas Bakaa à Jérusalem.


Union des Français de l' Étranger

Nos articles

Friday, March 8, 2013


Getting Rich by Fighting for the Poor  : Chavez and Obama

Hugo Chavez's death was met with tributes from Iran, Bolivia, China and El Salvador. The Western left did not waste much time adding their withered roses to El Comandante's coffin. George Galloway called him another Spartacus. Jimmy Carter described him as a leader who fought for the "neglected and trampled". Michael Moore praised him for declaring that the oil belongs to the people.


Whether or not the oil belongs to the people is a matter of some debate considering how much of it seemed to end up in Chavez's pocket.

Chavez died with an estimated net worth of 2 billion dollars making him the 4th richest man in Venezuela and the 49th richest man in Latin America. For a while, Chavez weathered attacks from the media empire of Gustavo A. Cisneros, the richest man in Venezuela. Then before the 2004 election, their mutual friend Jimmy Carter brokered an agreement between them. Cisneros' media stopped criticizing Chavez and both men bent to the task of getting even richer.

While the Bolivarian Spartacus lined his pockets with oil money, Venezuela's middle-class was struggling to get by in a country where the private sector had imploded. Income increased on paper, but decreased in reality as inflation increases ate the difference. Around the same time that Comrade Hugo was launching the third phase of his Bolivarian Revolution, inflation had decreased household income 8.8 percent while consumer goods prices increased 27 percent.

On his deathbed, Hugo Chavez devalued his country's currency for the fifth time by 32 percent, after tripling the deficit during his previous term when the national debt had increased by 90 percent. From 2008 to 2011, Chavez's oil-rich government increased the debt by nearly 50 billion in a country of less than 30 million. That same year, The Economist speculated that Venezuela might go bankrupt.

Chavez had swollen the ranks of Venezuela's public employees to 2.5 million in a country where the 15-64 population numbered only 18 million. With 1 public employee to every 7 working adults, the entire mess was subsidized by oil exports and debt. When the price of oil fell, only debt was left.

Those public employees became Chavez's campaign staff with no choice but to vote for him or see their positions wiped out to keep the economy from crashing. And they won him one last election.

The dead tyrant leaves behind the lowest GDP growth rate and highest inflation rate in Latin America. He leaves behind an economy where more than half the population depends on government benefits or government jobs. He leaves behind a giant pile of debt for the people and 2 billion dollars in misappropriated oil money for his heirs.

But we don't need to look to a leftist banana republic south of the border to see how profitable fighting for the poor can be.

7 of the 10 richest counties in America are now in the Washington D.C. area. Arlington County alone added $6,000 to its average income in one year alone. D.C. and its bedroom communities got rich at twice the rate of the rest of the country and in the last election; Obama won 8 of the 10 richest counties in the country.


Washington D.C. is richer than Silicon Valley. Median income in the D.C. area has hit $84,523 despite the city itself having horrendous unemployment and poverty statistics. The top 5 percent in D.C. earns 60% more than the top 5 percent in other cities and 54 times what the bottom fifth earns in that same city.

This wealth of government money isn't a rising tide that lifts all boats. Income inequality in Washington D.C. is one of the worst in the nation. For families with children, the income inequality level in D.C. is double the average for the rest of the country.

But when you concentrate the wealth of the land in a single imperial city, then you end up with a sharp gap between the poor and the fighters for the poor. Mid-level jobs are disappearing, but high-level jobs continue to grow. Small businesses are going out of business, but lawyers and consultants are being hired at a breathtaking rate.

Washington D.C. has the highest concentration of lawyers in the country. 1 out of every 12 city residents is a lawyer. 1 in 25 of the country's lawyers lives in Washington D.C. In 2009, the Office of Personnel Management reported that there were 31,797 practicing lawyers in the Federal government earning an average salary of $127,500 a year. Or to put it another way, the taxpayers were spending double Hugo Chavez's 2 billion dollar net worth each year just to pay the lawyers.

That was in 2009. The numbers have undoubtedly gotten much worse since.

That same year there were 383,000 federal civilian workers with six figure salaries. Multiply that and you get all the debt that Hugo Chavez dumped on Venezuela being dumped out in a single year on American taxpayers.

The number of Federal civilian employees is only slightly higher than in Chavez's utopian Socialist paradise, but average Federal employee salary clocks in at a mean $75,000. The closest private sector match to working for Uncle Sam, in a non-military position, is working for Microsoft.

Federal civilian employee wages and benefits run around $200 billion. The end of the pay freeze that wasn't really a pay freeze alone added $763,125,000 to the Federal budget. Or to put it another way, the cost of the Federal workforce in a single year is more than double Venezuela's entire national debt.

During Nixon's first year in office, $200 billion would have covered the entire Federal budget. Now it's just the paychecks. In the United States Department of Health and Human Services, which oversees welfare and food stamps, among other things, 1,461 of HHS' 64,750 employees earn over $155,000.

While the Obama Administration fires marines, it hires more civilian employees. 101 new Federal employees have been hired every day of Obama's first term in office. In 1962, there were more American military personnel than Federal civilian employees. The number of military personnel has dropped sharply, but the number of civilian employees is higher now than it was then. And their salaries have become much higher. 

But the civilian employees are only part of the picture. The massive deficit spending has turned Washington D.C. into a treasure trove of government grants and stimulus plans on the favor train. The national debt grew by 6 trillion dollars in one term of Obama adding $50,521 in debt per household. That money was used to buy favors and support across the country.

While Obama ran on a platform of taking care of the poor, he was raiding the social safety net to buy support from a coalition of billionaires that paid him back with bundled contributions and SuperPACs. Green Energy tycoons got rich on loans and grants, while the middle class imploded. Billions in taxpayer money was traded for millions and hundreds of thousands in contributions in one of the dirtiest deals to take place outside an actual banana republic.

Like Chavez, Obama presides over a poorer country whose poor are convinced that he is the only thing standing between them and absolute poverty. Deficit spending and high debt has destroyed any potential for GDP growth leaving America looking like an oversized version of Venezuela.

The new America is not a booming economy, but a political power structure built on unsustainable spending. Like Chavez, Obama has created an impossible trap that leaves half the country dependent on him and leaves his opponents with no alternative but to propose some form of austerity. It is an economic kamikaze maneuver that invariably ends with economic or political destruction.

Obama, like Chavez, has made economic recovery structurally impossible, perpetuating poverty in order to profit politically from the national state of misery. Chavez died before the consequences of his economic policies caught up with Venezuela. Like Chavez, Obama won a contentious election, but he has no easy escape from the economic destruction coming up on the road ahead.

Daniel Greenfield is a New York City based writer and blogger and a Shillman Journalism Fellow of the David Horowitz Freedom Center.