Sunday, May 26, 2013

2 MORE Blules lessons for ya



From: Marty Schwartz []
Sent: Sunday, May 26, 2013 7:00 PM
Subject: Just went live: 2 MORE Blules lessons for ya


Hey whazzup, Marty here.

A few days ago I sent you links to some great
new blues video lessons, courtesy of some of
my favorite teachers.

If you missed them, you can see them here.

And today I have two MORE for you — suh-weet!

Go watch these and leave a comment
underneath them:

NEW Free Blues Lesson:
Texas Blues guitar lesson
inspired by Billy Gibbons

=> Watch this video now

.... in which you'll learn how to get a shuffle feel
going over a backing track.  Also: How to use
some some cool devices to "fill out" your sound
(which is really fun), along with using open
strings against your chord progressions.

NEW Free Blues Lesson:
Blues rock soloing lesson
int he style of Slash

=> Watch this video now

... Why you should watch: Well, um, it's inspired by
Slash, do you need another reason??   'Nuff said.
Go watch it now.


NOTE: Some of you are noting that the lessons
seem "advanced." 

Please know that it's true that this material is NOT
for someone who just picked up a guitar last week.

I mean, if you're still learning your first few chords,
then great — keep at it and it won't be long before
you'll be hungry for this type of intermediate lesson.

But for the rest of you not-so-raw beginners or
intermediate players?  Go check out these lessons
because these are the types of devices and
techniques that will get you to that next level, fast.

Plus, this is also the type of blues instruction that is
really hard to find elsewhere.  I say that because
this is the stuff that takes the best of all the
killer modern-day innovations as applied to the
old-school blues we dig so much. 

Anyway, put 'em to good use and keep playing!


P.S. Remember, there are now FOUR new blues
lessons posted live, not just two.  These have never
been released before and will not remain up
indefinitely, so go check 'em out while they're still

Blues lesson 1 Joe Bonamassa
Blues lesson 2 Stevie Ray Vaughan
Blues lesson 3 Texas Blues Billy Gibbons
Blues lesson 4 Slash

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


DAMAS, 21 mai 2013 (AFP) – L’armée syrienne a affirmé mardi dans un communiqué avoir détruit un véhicule israélien ayant dépassé la ligne de cessez-le-feu sur le plateau du Golan."Nous forces armées ont détruit un véhicule israélien avec tout ce qu’il transportait, qui venait des territoires occupés. Ce véhicule a dépassé la ligne de cessez-le-feu et avançait vers le village de Bir-Ajam situé dans la partie syrienne libérée", précise le commandement général des forces armées syriennes, sans préciser la date de l’incident. L’Agence Française de Presse reprend la propagande syrienne.


Voici la version israélienne publiée dans l’après-midi.  La bonne. Les lecteurs de NanoJV savent une fois de plus qui croire:

L’armée syrienne prétend avoir détruit une jeep de Tsahal.  En fait des tirs l’ont légèrement endommagée. L’armée israélienne a répondu par le tir d’un missile Tammuz.  La destruction de la cible visée par le missile est confirmée. 




Les Britanniques démentent la thèse de l’expulsion massive des Arabes de Palestine en 1948.

Des documents officiels britanniques déclassifiés , datant de la fin du mandat britannique sur la Palestine, et rendus publics par "The guardian" daté du Jeudi 25 Avril 2013, ont permis d’apporter un éclairage déterminant sur les conditions dans lesquelles les Arabes ont quitté la Palestine mandataire en 1948.

Dans ces documents, de hauts fonctionnaires britanniques venus en Palestine en 1948, écrivent entre autres:
"Les Arabes de Palestine ont essuyé une série de défaites capitales.
Les victoires des Juifs sur le terrain ont considérablement affecté leur morale et celui-ci est à zéro.
Et à la suite de la conduite peureuse de leurs leaders incompétents, ils ont commencé à fuir par milliers les régions mixtes.
Désormais, il est évident que leur seule chance de revenir sur leurs terres et maisons dépendra des armées régulières arabes ».

Ces hauts fonctionnaires britanniques confirmaient donc, dès le début de 1948, que les Arabes de Palestine dans leur grande majorité, n’avaient pas été chassés de leurs terres par les forces armées juives mais, qu’en l’absence d’un leadership adéquat, ils avaient abandonnés leurs terres dans l’espoir d’y revenir au lendemain d’une grande victoire des armées arabes.

Ces documents britanniques démentent donc en fait la fameuse théorie selon laquelle les Arabes de Palestine ont été expulsés en 1948 par les forces armées israéliennes.Ils confortent par là même
la véracité de la thèse officielle israélienne selon laquelle la grande majorité des Arabes de Palestine avait fui sur les recommandations du Comité Arabe Suprême pérsuadé qu’au lendemain de l’indépendance israélienne les armées arabes prendraient d’assaut le jeune état juif, ne lui laissant aucune chance de survie.

Pour autant lorsque les millions d’Arabes descendants de ces "réfugiés" qui vivent encore dans des camps précaires dans les pays arabes voisins, commémorent la Nakba ( le 15 mai de chaque année), ce n’est pas vers Israël qu’ils doivent diriger leurs griefs mais vers les pays arabes qui ont déclenché la guerre contre Israël, et qui les ont incité à quitter leurs villages pour en faire des "réfugiés", veillant, pour des considérations politiques, qu’ils soient maintenus dans cet état 65 ans durant.



L’on ne devrait pas oublier que les assassins islamiques qui ont décapite Daniel Pearl Z”L ont déclare que c’est pour venger la mort de Al Dura , alors que ce n’est pas Tsahal  ou Daniel Pearl Z »L qui sont responsables, mais l’AP qui est responsable pour El Dura.


  Et surtout tous ces musulmans qui ont assassins des Juifs Durant la guerre du Mont du Temple,Intifada Alaska, des milliers de Juifs assassines pour venger soi-disant Al Dura. C’est donc Charles Ederlin et non pas Ariel Sharon qui sont les causes de cette guerre.


Voici un genial clip video sur la TV Israelienne en francais qui le prouve !

Friday, May 17, 2013


An atmosphere of insurgency hangs over France. Month after month, demonstrations against the legalization of gay marriage bring together hundreds of thousands of people, and mobilization is not weakening. Members of the government are harassed by disgruntled crowds during each trip they make. Bankrupt factories are stormed by angry workers who sometimes occupy the streets to erect barricades made of burning tires. Leftist groups hold rallies and accuse the government of not being radical enough. Rightist groups hold other rallies and suggest that French civilization is threatened and must fight back. Rabid feminists attack Catholics by stripping naked in public and shouting obscene slogans in churches and cathedrals.

Financial scandals are accumulating and slowly discrediting the entire political class. One month ago, Jerome Cahuzac, a Secretary of Finance, center left, who was in charge of the fight against tax evasion, was indicted for tax evasion. Now, Claude Gueant, a former Secretary of the Interior, center right, is accused of bleaching “black money” coming from the former Libyan dictatorship. François Hollande was elected President just one year ago, but he is already discredited and on the ropes: none of his predecessors had fallen from grace so fast. Seventy-six percent of the French express a negative or very negative opinion of him, and the number continues to rise. Mainstream magazines describe him with an unforgiving ferocity: “The Mediocre President,” says one, “He shames us,” adds another.

Articles appeared recently comparing the situation to the 1789 Revolution and Hollande to Louis XVI, a weak King who ended up on the guillotine. Others drew comparisons to February 1934, a time when extremist groups attempted to seize the National Assembly in a context of widespread corruption and political decay. Some analysts, trying to find a ray of light amid the darkness, have spoken of a “French Spring.” But apart from the fact that the calendar says it’s spring in France, it is difficult to see anything that resembles “spring” in what is occurring.

France is a democratically unstable country. In two hundred and twenty years, she underwent eleven regime changes, and has seen innumerable riots. But in the past, rioters were carriers of hopes and dreams, even if their hopes and dreams were often tinged with illusion. Today, hopes and dreams are essentially absent. Pessimism among the French is frighteningly massive:  Seventy-one percent of the French think that the future will be much worse than the present.

France is a country where belief in a providential man capable of rehabilitating the country and able to deal with chaotic situations has persistently permeated citizens’ minds. Napoleon the First remains a virtually undisputed hero, although he sowed war throughout Europe; Marshal Petain keeps many admirers; General de Gaulle is often presented as a man who liberated France largely alone and “restored pride.” Today, there is no one to play this role. Hollande was a default candidate, chosen by his party only because Dominique Strauss Kahn (the front runner) had been involved in a sordid case of rape in New York, one year before the election. Nicolas Sarkozy was beaten by Hollande because he had disappointed those who supported him initially. No other leader of national stature has emerged, and those who rise and protest, no matter who they are and what they think, have no leader.

France is a country in decline, and for the first time, a large part of the population discerns that the decline is for real.

It is also a country where intellectual debates are suffocated and where the long march of the left through the institutions has produced results, marginalizing or eliminating any non-socialist idea from education, culture, politics and the media. And the consequences are plain to see.

Many French discern the immensity of the problems. How could they do otherwise? The economy has been stagnant or in recession for several years, the unemployment rate has been rising steadily and is now well above ten percent according to official figures, or much higher if those who have given up looking for a job are reintroduced in the statistics. Poverty affects more than twenty percent of the population. Slums have reappeared on the outskirts of Paris. Violent attacks are multiplying. Each week, dozens of women are raped, students are stabbed in the courtyard of high schools and passersby are slain. The lawless areas dominated by gangs and radical imams proliferate.

Most French feel frustrated and want solutions.

Most of them are in favor of tougher penalties for crime, but see that politicians, left or right, talk, but do not act and seem overwhelmed by an out-of-control situation.


All of them would want a rapid return to growth and job creation, but almost all of them blindly believe that growth and job creation will come from government decisions.

A majority of the French want protectionist measures, the survival of the welfare state as it is, higher taxes for the rich and a strong and omnipotent State.

They refuse to see that the coffers are empty, that deficits are abysmal, that the government can no longer afford to waste money, that socialism is a dead end, and that the decline they fear and the chaos they see coming are a direct result of decades of socialism.

Their anger is presently directed against socialists because socialists govern. It is directed against François Hollande because he looks incompetent. It is directed against a pro-gay marriage law perceived as a futile provocation and an attempt to destroy the family in a time when the country seems on the verge of collapse. It is directed against politicians unable to save the country from the fate that emerges, and who instead seem to aid the fulfillment of that fate.

Their anger is an expression of anxiety, powerlessness, and despair.

One century ago, Emile Durkheim, a French sociologist, used a word that could adequately define French society as it is today: “anomie.” He wrote, “A society is in a state of anomie when the rules that allow it to function dissolve.”

The rules that allow French society to function are dissolving. People see that the present in France is bleak and that what is coming is even bleaker. They look for solutions, but they see that the solutions in which they could place their hopes don’t work or seem out of reach. They mistrust politicians, any and all politicians.

What will happen? The latent insurgency will probably last. Demonstrations and riots will take place here and there. Governments will replace governments. The future will be bleaker than the present. Anger, anxiety, powerlessness and despair will increase. Anomie will reign. There will be no coup, no regime change, no uprising.

It is indeed difficult to see anything that resembles a “spring” in what is occurring in France. It is difficult to see anything that resembles a spring in what has been occurring for months in Greece and Spain, Italy and Portugal.

In his last book, “After the Fall: The End of the European Dream and the Decline of a Continent,” Walter Laqueur asked the right question: “Does Europe still have a future, will it still exist a decade or two from now? Or will it revert to what it had been before – a mere geographical concept?”

What is occurring in France is a French tragedy. But it is part of a wider tragedy that must be faced and analyzed, without looking away.

Viewing the French tragedy as anything less than part of a wider tragedy would be an even more tragic mistake.


Guy Millière

source Frontpage Mag



Chers Organisateurs de Spectacles, la Paix sur vous.

Je vous écrit de Jérusalem bien que j’ai quitte la Belgique pour toujours il y a presque 30 ans. Et je suis venu vous dire que je remercie le Ciel d’avoir quitte Bruxelles et Anvers, dite la Jérusalem du Nord. Pour moi votre Théâtre du collège St Michel c’est l’endroit ou j’ai vu Guy Béart seul chanter a la guitare  » A Amsterdam j’ai vu les dames mais je n’ai pas vu Dieu ». Ou encore le chantre du patois Wallon, Julos Beaucarne qui a écrit ce fameux poème après que sa femme ait été assassine par un Arabe devenu fou, oui après avoir vu sa femme poignardée a mort laissant deux enfants orphelins, Julos a eu la force de produire son fameux disque  » Chandeleur »pour dire : Je pense que l’essentiel est de continuer a s’aimer a tort et a travers.

Alors l’amour, la religion de l’amour qu’elle est elle devenue?. Ce théâtre St Michel est devenu vide de Dieu, le Dieu de l’Amour, que Guy Béart n’a pas trouve chez les putains d’Amsterdam et encore moins a Bruxelles. Le mot religion vient du latin religio, une relation avec Deu. Et pour cette raison, l’Islam est appellee en Arabe Din, Jugement , fondée sur un code de punition qui est la Charia, l’Islam n’est donc pas une religion d’amour mais un code de punition fonde sur la Haine.


 Ce qui explique pourquoi tant de Musulmans se convertissent a la religion Chrétienne ou au Judaisme Orthodoxe a Jérusalem. Alors continuez d’attaquer le peuple Hébreu, revenu sur sa Terre Enceinte de la présence Divine. Le Rabbi Nachman de Bratslav ecrit que quand un Juif veut s’elever dans les sphères de la Sainteté, il attire sur lui les opposants, qui le renforcent. Le fondateur de la Compagnie de Jésus , Igace de Loyola, Juif marrane converti de force au Catholicisme doit certainement se dire:  » Ils sont devenus fous mes Jésuites, ils se prennent pour une secte Islamique du Hamas ou du Hezbollah.


D’après la Mystique Juive, la musique est le meilleur moyen de se rapprocher de Dieu grâce a la mélodie sainte. Le Hezbollah et le Hamas n’ont pas besoin d’occuper votre théâtre à Bruxelles pour y déverser leur impérialisme islamique morbide dont le but est d’envahir toute notre si belle planète comme jadis le nazisme ou le communisme..


 De la musique avant toute chose , écrivait Paul Verlaine, l’amant d’Arthur Rimbaud,


David Orbach, journaliste, auteur, compositeur et guitariste classique.


PS Il s’agit d’un droit de réponse après la tenue d’un meeting de l’organisation terroriste Hamas au Théâtre St Michel de Bruxelles.


Wednesday, May 15, 2013

What is a real religion?

From my work as a head nurse in the religious schools in Jerusalem, Judean desert and Samaria, I was surprised about so many ways to serve G-od.
What kind of Chassid are you? Are you Gur, Chabad, Viznits, Bretslav, Sadigora, Bobov, Tschechnov? asked me the holy children. I answered I am a hassid of the Baal Shem Tov, but at the end the answer is more like I am a servant of G.od.
Then a Muslim teacher in Abu Gosh told me that Islam is not a religion. Islam is called in Arabic a DIN,
a Judgment, with the Shariah which is a code of punishment. I told him a religion is a a word that comes from the latin word religio, relation with G.od . If Islam is to submit yourself to the will of Allah, you cannot repair the world, do a tikun olam, influence the spheres above.

I was surprised to see a Muslim Nurse reading a Book of Psalms because such a deep relationship doesn't exist in Islam. And then we have the Christian relationship to G.od. Jerusalem the capital of all the religions, the spiritual capital of the whole world. Christian Orthodox, Armenians Orthodox, Greek , Russian, Copts, Maronites, Ethiopians, Catholics,  Protestants,but some Evangelicans are even Zionists.
Just because Zion is the famous hill in Jerusalem Where we have Kind David's Tomb. We were there yesterday for Shavuot.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Become a Certified Kashrus Mashgiach

Mon Aug 27, 2012 3:54 am (PDT) . Posted by:

"Touro College" touro.israel

Course begins Monday, October 22nd, 5 -8 pm

Touro College and Kosharot are now offering
The Premier Kashrus Supervision Course in English

CALL NOW! 02-651-0090 ext. 2

Touro College in Israel and Kosharot are pleased to announce the opening of registration for its English language course for the training of Kashrus Supervisors (Mashgiach).

The course is in preparation for the Kashrus Supervisor examination of the Chief Rabbinate of Israel which is now required of all Mashgichim.

It is also recommended for anyone interested in a better understanding of practical Kashrus.

The course includes both theoretical and practical halachah and included multi media presentations.


For more information and to register:
Please call 02-651-0090 ext. 2 or
Ask about our Early Bird Special

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